Giving Courage to the People You Lead

The purpose of encouragement is to give courage.  Encouragement is not just a pep talk, or a pat on the back, or making someone feel good.  It’s about giving courage – one of the highest and most powerful forms of positive influence. 

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An Empowering Mindset for Confrontation

In a culture of positive influence, confrontation is not a situation to fear, but one to embrace as an opportunity to achieve a resolution or breakthrough that cannot be achieved otherwiseIn your mental preparation for a tough conversation, consider replacing the word

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Charisma and Resonating

Charisma is sometimes described as a special gift or mysterious power.  When the idea of charisma is applied to leadership, we might interpret it as a gift that seems to be given arbitrarily, in the sense that some people have it and some don’t, and the people who do have it are lucky.  Let’s look at charisma from a

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Enrichment in the Workplace

The workplace needs to be a vital source of enrichment and positive energy for employees at every level of the organizational chart.  Many employees commit the majority of their waking hours (even including weekends) to their profession, especially when commutes are included.  They cannot afford to be drained day af

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Creating Self-Sufficiency

When I first became a manager, I believed that one of the main reasons I was promoted was because of my problem-solving ability.  I believed solving my team’s problems was my responsibility.  I also believed it was an ideal way to provide the kind of support that would free them up to be more productive.  Since

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Feeling Connected to a Group

It may seem as though we would feel more connected to a group when we’re gaining something valuable from it – takeaways, benefits or payoffs – and the more value we gain, the more connected we’ll feel.  So then it would seem that if we’re leading that group, we need to provide those takeaways in order to keep people enga

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Energy from Teammates

In a culture of positive influence, every employee seeks to be a source of positive energy to the rest of the team.  Positive energy is one of the most valuable things they can bring to the team.  Being known as a source of positive energy becomes part of their identity and their reputation as a member of the team.  The words “energy source

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Accountability Through Commitment

One of the defining qualities of a culture of positive influence is mutual accountability.  It is a quality that every member of the team can cherish because it makes everyone more successful.  But what does a culture of mutual accountability look like?  How do team members actually hold each other accountable regardless of

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